The camp is situated on a beautiful meadow right beside the sea. It is a natural environment,
protected by law, so please follow the rules to preserve this natural treasure. Since the water
from the shower and sinks goes into nature, please use only ecological soap! You don’t have
to buy it yourself, the camp provides shampoo and shower gel.


The camp can be reached by car. Please contact us in advance, if you would like to park a
camper (no longer than 6m) in the car area, a little meadow right next to the camp. The tents
and toilets are not wheelchair accessible. The ground is firm in most places (except for the
beach). Electricity for charging batteries is available on location via solar panels. The camp
can be very dark at night, especially on new moon nights.

What to bring

Almost everything you need for a wonderful week by the sea is provided: Kayaks,
safety vests, sun shade, sports equipments…

Which clothes should I bring?

The summer climate in Denmark is mild. The average temperature in southern Denmark is
20°C for the day, and 13 °C for the night. However, the weather is variable:

It can be cold.
It can be wet.
It can be hot and sunny.

Warm clothes are very important! A rain jacket and rain pants are a good idea as well as
waterproof shoes. A hat or cap and sunglasses to shelter you from the sun and a warm
sweater, but also light clothes, sun protection or insect repellent. And something for party
nights, too! : )

Can I bring my dog?

Dogs, cats, horses, owls and any other pets are not allowed at the camp. The only exception
is trained assistance (guide) dogs. Sorry, we can not make any exceptions to this.

Is there electricity in the camp?

There is no electricity. Mobile phones can be charged on location. Bring a flashlight, it helps
to find the right tent at night…

What about the toilets?

The toilet system may be a challenge in the beginning. The toilets are buckets with regular
toilet seats, they are emptied into a septic tank by volunteers who take this as their daily
duty. Some of the toilets are inside the toilet wagon in separate, private cubicles. Some are
outdoors but sheltered by a little hut. And then there are the famous Femø ‘Out in the Open’
toilets, which offer magnificent views especially on starry nights.

What about taking a shower?

There is running water, even warm running water, so you can take a hot shower for 10,-
DKK. The solar heated “black hose warm shower” is free.

Where do we sleep?

There are big sleeping tents, they are very secure in storms, offer good company and “Femø
spirit”. You can also bring your individual small sleeping tent. And as we are by the sea in a
windy climate, if you bring your own tent, bring some extra string to tie your tent down. If you
have a mosquito net, you might want to bring that.

There are also the so called “bivouaks”, small open tent-like structures in the dunes, which
allow you to sleep close to nature and to someone you want to share moments in privacy
with. The camp provides some (air) mattresses. Please bring a warm sleeping bag! The
nights can be very cold! No individual camping stoves are allowed!


Preparing the meals together is one of the duties we share. Cooking together is fun, there is
a big and well equipped kitchen tent with big gas burners and gas stoves and ovens. The
recipes are well balanced and delicious. In International Week the cooking is
vegetarian/vegan, sometimes with fish. It’s possible to have some sausages, liver paté etc.
on the side. Food allergies will be taken into consideration by the kitchen responsibles.
Please inform the office when you book so the supplies can be ordered accordingly.

Do I have to bring my own plates, cups…?

No, everything you need is in the camp. Washing the dishes together is one of the duties at
the camp.


We like to sing together, so remember to bring your musical instruments and songbooks.
There is a variety of (rhythm) instruments at the camp. And there are songbooks with Danish
feminist songs, many of them written in the women’s camp and sung here ever since.


Do not bring “illegal” drugs to camp.
If you are on prescription drugs, make sure you have your supply with you, there is a doctor
on the island but no pharmacy/drugstore. Please store your medication/drugs safely!

Emotional/social circumstances

Life on camp can sometimes be emotionally intense and social contacts cannot be avoided
easily, especially during the shared duties. Please feel free to contact us before camp or talk
with someone you trust in camp, if you feel uncomfortable. If you need some time for
yourself, want to go for a long walk etc., please let someone in camp know where you are.
We have a dedicated well-being activist whom you can always talk to.


If you feel like hurting someone else (with words or physically), we ask you to not act upon it,
but to talk to one of the activists or a person you trust. If you feel like hurting yourself, please
bear in mind that this can affect the others, too and make sure the situation is as safe
as possible for you and others.


Alcohol is to some extent part of the camp’s culture. There is also non-alcoholic beer on sale
as well as various soda pops and mineral water. Tea and coffee are free.


All the tents are smoke-free, as are the meetings and the meals. Smoking is only permitted
at the “smokers’ table” and in the smokers’ tent.

What if I can’t come on Saturday?

The week starts Saturday and ends the next Saturday. If you can not arrive on Saturday,
please be aware that you may miss a part of the group process, so please make sure that
you get any important information.

Ecology and the environment on Femø

The last few years we had several questions and suggestions about ecology and the
environment on Femø women’s camp. We decided to write this text to explain more about
the ecological and environmental situation of the island of Femø and on the women’s camp,
to also clarify some of the choices we make on the camp.

Femø: Femø is a small island with 121 inhabitants. There are no farmers who practice
organic farming and there is only some occasional selling of homegrown vegetables by the
islanders. We are therefore completely dependent on food supplies ordered in advance from
the mainland.

Femø sadly doesn’t offer a lot of options for recycling. We separate glass and cardboard/
paper, since there are containers for that at the harbour, but there is no collection of plastic,
metal or compost on the island. Chemical waste, like batteries, is usually taken back to the
mainland by one of the participants.

The women’s camp: The women’s camp is situated on a meadow along the sea on the north
side of the island, it’s a protected environment with a wide variety of grasses and flowers.
Our presence, with hundreds of Femønists walking around in that small area for two months,
has a big impact on the local environment, but it miraculously restores itself every year after
we have left. When we leave, we try to make sure nothing is left behind that can shift the
balance. This balance is the reason we for example do not make a herb garden (because
seeds may spread) in the camp. We also don’t make our own compost heap, because
enriching the soil with compost would also change the balance of the soil, which could in
time affect the growth of grasses and flowers.

If you have any questions, please contact us.