Intiweek is a feminist week open for all with an F or an X in their passport or an even CPR-number (Danish social security number). This means we welcome ALL women (cis and trans) aboard also non-binary people and intersex folks fitting these criteria.

International Week is held every summer and is one week out of six thematic weeks of Femø Women’s Camp.The official language is English (the ‘official’ language for all other weeks is Danish), so for foreigners International Week is where it’s at!

For this year’s international week programme see

The Camp
For more than 50 years women from all over the world have enjoyed their vacation on the
lovely island of Femø. The Women’s Camp on Femø is in many ways a unique blend of
tradition and renewal. It is the oldest women’s camp in the world – the Women’s Movement
in Denmark started the camp in 1971 – and the International Week on Femø has been a part
of it since 1973. Yet the many new women and now also non-binary people who join every
year bring new ideas and initiatives to the camp.

On Femø, you can enjoy the natural beauty of the island and at the same time experience a
kind of community that many women and gender non-conforming people don’t have access to in their daily lives. It is a
community where we have time to talk about how things could and should be done and
where everyone has the opportunity of being listened to.

Moving toward awareness
Our goal is to create a place where the various, intertwining, different, connected
experiences of oppression and hurt can be talked about without the fear of disbelief, of
downplaying, ridiculing, victim-blaming, focus-shifting and derailing. We know that the road
might be long and rocky, there might be tough emotions to go through, but we would like to
go on that journey together. We would like to give one another courage and support in
becoming aware of the pictures and words that have been put into our minds by the world
we have grown up in. Things that hurt and divide us. We strive to get rid of them together
and replace them with pictures, words and experiences that can connect us. We want to
move beyond being ‘perfect’ or ‘correct’ in what we say or do, leaving behind blame and
shame through understanding and sharing the differences and similarities in our experiences
and the feelings they bring. We’d like to share ups and downs, feel tenderness and strength,
see and feel the beauty in all forms of bodies and minds, in each of us, as the unique
individuals that we are and celebrate our connectedness in this one week to create solidarity
that touches our everyday lives and reaches out into the world.

Life at the Camp

The women’s camp on Femø comprises of a number of tents situated along the coast. It
looks like a little village: there is a big central space with tables and chairs, the “common
tent” which serves as a meeting place, cafe, party room, living room and dining room in case
of rain, etc. Besides that, there’s the kitchen tent, the tools’ tent, the children’s tent, the wash
tent and a toilet wagon. You can sleep in one of the sleeping tents, which accommodate 6 to
20 people. Or bring your own little tent.

The camp is in a meadow along the sea, there is a sandy beach and lots of shallow water. It
is a protected environment with a wide variety of grasses and flowers.

Usually we spend the mornings and/or the afternoons in groups. If you are at the Femø-
camp for the first time, it might be a good idea to join a group, but of course that’s your own
choice. In the evenings we meet in the common tent to hear news from the other groups,
practical information and perhaps have interesting discussions. And then of course sing,
laugh, talk, flirt and have a good time.

At the camp, we organise everything ourselves –cooking, cleaning etc. There is a team of
Femø activists who plan the week and provide a basic structure and everybody helps to make the
camp function. Everybody contributes to the week by sharing various duties such as
cooking, dishwashing and other practical tasks.

As the camp has no liability insurance, you should have your own. And make sure you have
a health insurance valid in Denmark.

A maximum of 12 children are welcome for the week. Boys up to the age of 12 are welcome
too. Every year we strive to have volunteers for children’s activities for a few hours after
breakfast. It can be quite a challenge for mothers/guardians to be there for the children, do
camp duties and to join in with the activities and social life at the camp. It is our aim that both
parents/guardians and children feel embraced and supported at the camp. It can be done if we work to
help each other.

The official camp language during International week is Femø English, which means easy
English with bits and pieces of other languages and lots of good will. The focus is not on
speaking English perfectly but on including everyone in the conversation.

Having one common language during this week also makes it possible to just walk past a
group of people, hear a few words that sound interesting and join in.

The camp does not usually offer sign language or other language interpretation. We try to
find a way to communicate and to be inclusive creatively. If English is not an option for you,
feel free to let us know (either beforehand or at the camp) so we can make sure you are not
left out of conversations or the flow of information.

The food is based on Danish cuisine with a touch of internationalism: Breakfast with muesli,
milk, yoghurt as well as bread with cheese, jam or chocolate slices; a light lunch of salads,
cheese and bread, and a warm dinner in the evenings. There is however not much fruit: if
you eat a lot of fruit, consider bringing some, or support the local shop by buying some there.

We try to buy organic and local food. International week is mainly a vegetarian week. Please
be aware that the camp may not be able to provide for special diets. We try to be as
inclusive as possible with dietary requirements, but we are on a small island with only a little
harbour shop and get pre-ordered supplies sent from Copenhagen each week.

We make all the food ourselves in relatively primitive conditions and depend on everybodys
creativity to make the recipes work. The recipes are international and so simple they can be
cooked by a team of non-professionals under camp conditions … actually, the food is usually
quite delicious!

Please CONTACT us if you have any questions about the food.

We will send you all the necessary practical information once you have booked.


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