For planning your trip we recommend in general the very useful JOURNEY PLANNER for Denmark.

We also recommend you to join the inti week Facebook group: some make their travel
arrangements together.

How to get to Femø if you are travelling from abroad
We recommend arriving on Femø on Saturday on the 2 pm ferry from Kragenæs* (on the
island of Lolland). This is the ferry the participants who come by bus from Copenhagen will
be on. The ferry from Kragenæs to Femø takes 55 min. There will be a truck at Femø
harbour to collect your luggage and take it to the camp. This will also give you the chance to
meet the other women* on the ferry. The week officially starts when the women* on this ferry
arrive at the camp.

Women* arriving on earlier or later ferries are also welcome. We’ll try to send the truck down
to collect you if you let us know your time of arrival.

Here you can find the TIMETABLE for the Kragenæs-Femø ferry. The fee for the ferry is
included if you join our bus – otherwise you have to pay at the harbour.

How to get to Kragenæs From Copenhagen
Take the Women’s Camp bus from the Copenhagen Women’s House to Femø. Every
Saturday morning of a Femø week, the bus leaves the Women’s House (Kvindehuset,
Gothersgade 37, Copenhagen) for Kragenæs where the ferry sails to Femø. Meeting time in
front of the Women’s House: 9.15 am sharp, departure at 9.30 am.

On the way to Femø this bus will stop in Rødby at 12.30 pm to pick up the women* who
arrive on the ferry from Puttgarden, if there are any. The bus will arrive in time for the
Kragenæs-Femø ferry at 2 pm. Please check out the details in Puttgarden yourself. As far as
we know, there will be no train on the ferry anymore.

On the way back we take the Femø-Kragenæs ferry at 1 pm and arrive in Copenhagen at 5
pm. There is also a stop in Rødby on the way back at around 3 pm.

There is a toilet on the bus.

By plane from anywhere
Fly to Copenhagen and take the Saturday morning bus leaving from the Women’s House to
Femø, or rather Kragenæs where the ferry sails to Femø.

If you need to spend a night in Copenhagen, try the YOUTH HOSTELS . There are two
hostels downtown and one halfway between the airport and the city.

From Hamburg

Take the train or Flixbus to Copenhagen and then take the Saturday morning bus leaving
from the Women’s House to Femø.

From Berlin and beyond
First take the Berlin – Copenhagen train and then take the Saturday morning bus leaving
from the Women’s House to Femø, or rather Kragenæs where the ferry sails to Femø. If you
need to spend a night in Copenhagen, try the YOUTH HOSTELS. There are two downtown
and one halfway between the airport and the city.

Another (pretty cheap) way is to go by bus from Berlin to Nykøbing Falster with FLIXBUS.

From Nykøbing take the Naksov train to Maribo, then the bus to Kragenæs (see above).

Or go via Hamburg as described above.
Or take the Rostock-Gedser FERRY.
Take the train or bus from Gedser to Kragenaes via Nykøbing and Maribo.

From Germany by car
Take either the Puttgarden-Rødby ferry or the Rostock-Gedser ferry.

If you go via the Rostock-Gedser ferry, it is good to make an early reservation (April/May), or
call and see whether there is space on very early/late ferries if you want to decide on the
spur of the moment.)

If you go via Puttgarden-Rødby, plan an extra hour for the car trip to Puttgarden. A
reservation on this ferry route is not as important as on the Rostock-Gedser ferry.

There are also ferries from the UK, Sweden, Poland, Norway, Iceland (you never know!) and
Lithuania, for those who might be planning a bigger trip by car and want to include a week or
two on Femø.

The ferry from Kragenæs to Femø

If you come by car it is necessary to make a reservation for your car on the ferry. You can
either call the LOLLAND FERRY or you can book online.

Please note that there is more than one ferry. There is confusion because the ferries are
sometimes switched to cater for extra passengers and/or vehicles. Asking the ferry staff
before the ferry departs is highly recommended.